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     Hey guys! I wanted to do a quick blog before i set off. Three more sleeps til i set off for training then to Central America! Packing is coming along nicley as it can for an disorganized person like me. The excitement and anticipation is setting in, while also having to say the goodbyes i’ve been dreading.

It’s bitter sweet to have so many hard goodbyes, in the sense I was so blessed to have so many sweet souls to part with. It’s been difficult for me to leave what I know and those I love dearly.

I found peace in that the Lord says  ‘But whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.’ Luke 9:14. He declares the disciples to pick up there cross and follow Him. I want to pick up my cross daily and follow Him. A big part of love is sacrifice, God never said it would be easy. He said He would beside me the whole way. I know what i’m leaving behind is precious to me but I know the sacrifices will lead me closer to the Lords plan for me. I want to thank everyone that made this possible! I wouldn’t be able to do this with out you guys! 

 ‘To live is Christ, to die is gain’ Philippians 1:21 

7 responses to “Three more sleeps”

  1. Will be praying for you. Know you are going to make a difference in the lives of many people. God has great plans for you.

  2. Dale and I will be praying for you as you begin this exciting journey on mission for the Lord!! You will be a blessing to all you serve!!

  3. Mercy, thanks for adding me to your info page. I’m so excited for you. Will continue to pray for you as you continue to prepare to leave, as you train, as you go and as you live out God’s current calling on your life. GO Girl!

  4. I am so proud of you mercy! I cannot wait to hear all about how the Lord uses your tender soul and generous heart to serve others! I love you so much!!

  5. So proud of you Mercy! I’m so jealous, wish I was going with you! I know you will be such a blessing to those you serve with. The smiles, laughter, witty responses and level headidness will be a blessing!
    I love you so much!!! You’re amazing!

  6. Sweet Mercy, I’ve often thought of Peter who got out of the boat to walk on the water. You are exemplifying that kind of faith. Keep your eyes on Jesus! May He cover you with His protection. We are sure He has called you by name. Love always,
    Mimi and gramps

  7. I love you mercy and I am so proud of you! It is amazing to see Jesus at work in your life He will be with you each day. And we will be praying for you daily. Trust in the Lord with all your heart!